8BitChip Forum

Atari => News => Topic started by: Petari on 09-02-2023, 10:28:25

Title: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 09-02-2023, 10:28:25
Chaos it is (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=42511)
Really ? It seems that it gets dumber and dumber.  It was pretty much clear what thread starter asked, despite not so good English - but smartheads must to ask about using my hard disk adapt - while thread starter talked about floppy images .
All what they can to do is:
General answer, prejudices.
Or in case of pirate to recommend own old cracks. Because what they did is surely the best, flawless ...

And it is year 2022. And Atari ST machines are very old. And SW, game's code is not perfect.
I had some talk with JY about not starting, freezing problem by some games. It is present in many, count can be about 50. In some cases it happens when moving mouse, pressing some key, joystick in intro stage (may be with music, some animation) - so there are advice to wait until it ends.  But by some it just happens sometimes. 
The reason is not so good IKBD, MFP code (intelligent keyboard (what reads mouse and joystick too), (multi function peripheral - special Motorola chip for computers with 68000) - in some cases it just becomes unresponsive on input devices. And culprit for bad code is partially Atari self - they never made good and detailed enough documentation for how to do code for it.
And age of Ataris helps not, so I'm sure that there will be more and more problems like this.
But will those at AF be aware about that factor ? Why should ? It is easier to write how PPs 'cracks' destroy data on hard disks and like.  Morons. They did not learn anything in last 15 years.
Usage of some Atari ST is now different than in floppy era, by 90 % of current users. Floppies are too unreliable, including drives. But not only drives, machines becoming less reliable. There will be more and more problems - like computer works, but some SW, games not, or with problems.
And I did not say anything new. This is known problem of electronic. Actually, Atari STs are better in it than average.
Not liking to spread bad news, but: this may be last decade of massive usage of old Atari ST and compatibles. There will be more and more problems, failures, needs for repair, components. Ah, and money for all it. Solutions are already here. 
And for those wanting all it in same way as was in 80-es: possible. Just will cost a lot. Nothing new. It is so with old cars and many other things.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 25-02-2023, 11:42:54
About 15 replies, and in many cases answers were not strict, there was mentioning of diverse SW, but without knowing it's really capabilities.
Then, there was someone talking about having 500 GB drives, so partitions sizes of 512 MB, 2 GB are not good for him - and all it with Atari ST, TT ... 
Well, what he wants to store and run from those disks, on Ataris old 30+ years ?  Some movie player, and like 5 GB long MKV video files ?  Surely, then FAT32 is what is needed.  Not really - only EFAT32 can deal with files over 4 GB. Someone mentioned NTFS ?

What I can say is that 32 GB is certainly enough for some old Atari. And we are about that can not find easy smaller capacity new Flash cards.  Prices are low. Using classic hard disk with old Atari ? Well, only if you have it all already, and it works well.
I remember that tried my 160 GB IDE driver with Mint some 10-12 years ago, and there were problems with FAT32 partitions of larger sizes (what would be today smaller ones) . Don't know about how is with newer versions.  In any case, ST, STE and even Falcon is just too slow and limited with RAM too for FAT32 .
So, even with OS capable to work with FAT32 it will be just too slow.
Not to mention that Atari ST SW is not needing FAT32, and LFN will make extra problems.
All it is known well, but great AF and AA like silly discussions - where no one with some better knowledge participates, and with good reason - idiot admins don't care about knowledge, wasting time .
I will not go there next some 6 months . Curiosity kills the mood  :)

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 02-03-2023, 11:31:41
And more:
https://forums.atariage.com/topic/348830-archiving-st-copy-protected-st-disks-w-greeseweasle/ (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/348830-archiving-st-copy-protected-st-disks-w-greeseweasle/)
No reply yet. Nobody from people active there bought/built such ? Or it is really not so good for ST floppies ?
What I can say is about writing images to floppies - Greeseweasle should be able to do it, and all usual image formats - ST - what is just raw floppy sector content image, maybe MSA (but can convert to ST format easily) and some flux formats. Matter of firmware and SW .
And of course if have floppy drives with older PC possible too. But needs SW. I made such for Windows, and it is known. But of course those at atariage will not do it, because I'm a monster - said 'shallow' to some there. And that matters, not helping. Yeah, forums are for ego, not to share experience, knowledge.
And all it is really not complicated. Best is to do write with real Ataris, but that needs solving transfer of image files from PC to Atari - some Flash card adapter is good and not expensive way - to work as hard disk and for easy transfers using  USB reader.
Anyone can write here little about his experiences with Greeseweasle ?
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 12-04-2023, 10:17:46
MugUK never disappoints:
In thread at AF 'games on a hard drive' he answered: "If you've got an SD card solution (i.e. UltraSatan or a SCSI-SD adapter if you have a MegaSTE) or an IDE-CF adapter (Falcon and above) then it's as simple as downloading the patched games and running them from the hard-drive partition that you've copied them to from a PC or a Mac."
What to say ? Complete moron, and his answer missing important details. Not to mention that some people still using classic hard disks and there are other solutions for mass storage with Atari ST family. Then IDE-CF can work with some ST, STE, TT ... Ah, maybe he thinks that they are above Falcon :-))
Then, saying 'patched games' - there are patched games for: work on all TOS versions, patched some game bugs ...
Point is not in 'patch' but in making game to be able to run from hard disk/Flash card (but in hard disk compatible mode, using TOS-es FAT16 filesystem handler) . Some may just try some ST images with hard drive :-)
What btw. even can work in smaller %-age of case, but not with any hard disk driver :-)

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 23-04-2023, 10:13:45
And useless replies with false claims just go on ...
"As it is writing to the disk that corrupts the data, the change needs to done to the hard disk driver. (TOS 2.06 has a DMAwrite routine in ROM, that would require changing, too; but it's almost never used.)" . Written by czietz - interesting care about rutine in ROM timing, but what about support for drives/Flash cards over 1 GB capacity ?
" can imagine that you're observing an entirely unrelated problem that also manifests itself in data corruption. For example, I've seen an Ultrasatan that repeatedly corrupted the data on the SD card regardless of the machine. (Also on STFs and a TT.)" - also from czietz .
Data corruption happens in 99% cases because of SD card not good for Ultrasatan. And UltraSatan can be problem too ..
Using long writes to DMA chip is usual way, and yes, it is present in TOS too. It is actually not long write, only instruction is it. That's splitted in 2 parts, and writes to 2 HW registers (in fact only 1-1 byte). Surely not possible at once with 16 bit data bus . Same on TT. And if you look DMA chip pins - it has only 8 bit data.
All it is visible in HW DOCs . Now, doing it with splitted commands so using 2 write commands instead 1 long will have little more pause between 2 writes to DMA registers, because second opcode fetch time. That should not affect timing of signals self. Well, there may be need for some delay between two writes in some cases . More in cases of preparing DMA write than DMA read ? As I remember bad DMA in STE had errors in reading too - not my experience, I never had STE 'bad DMA' chip at me.
My experience is fine with long writes on all Ataris and DMA chip versions. Not sure how it is in TOS 3.06 , but it is very similar to 2.06 so ... Well, actually even saying long writes is wrong - it is just command what uses long data, in fact it's 2 writes in row.

Other thread: AF - Atari falldown (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=42718&sid=8652b39467bfee98c55c4a06dd875915)
There is my page about how to do it:  Atari properly (https://atari.8bitchip.info/flomodam.html)
Of course, they at AF will not link it. They like mess, lies and not really helping people.
And it seems that it just getting worse ...

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 26-04-2023, 09:14:41
 And for change little from AA:   "The MV16, produced by the ST adoring French, is the single most important cartridge for the ST ever released. Coming in at approximately £10-15 to improve the YM2149 horrible sound chip for a Macintosh killing 1986 520STM 16bit home computer it shows how clueless Atari were to not do exactly the same thing before 1 million Amigas had been sold (1989?) to stay in the fight. It's a simple case of a publisher improving of the substandard audio hardware that ultimately killed sales of the STFM. "
This is in thread 'What do you use your cartridge port for?' .
 Well, really 'objective' and 'surely' based on 'extensive research', 'known facts' ...
MV16 was included with game BAT, partially as better sound generator HW, partially for copy protection.
 I did not hear some large improvement in sound quality. Well, maybe my ears, equipment is not that good, but it stay for most of Atari ST users. Just because some are obsessed with sound, and expect some specific tone they can not come with silly talk: like that YM killed sales of Atari ST :-) I'm sure that until 1989 more than million Amigas were sold. And when we are at 1989 and sound - that's when Atari STE is released. With DMA sound (ala Amiga), and what happened - it was barely used in SW, games. Even worse is case of Falcon and it's DSP - good for sound on high level. Sales were pretty low. So, it is clear that only small % of Atari ST family users was interested for sound in first place. Or MIDI, to add.
 Will write it again, and it is well known thing: Atari ST was designed as multi purpose computer, with low price for what it offers. There are diverse compromises - for instance YM chip is used for some floppy lines control too.  I still see ST HW design as very good for it's time. And think that SW design (TOS) was not on that level.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 10-05-2023, 08:52:02
And another thread, where people rather blaming TOS than the real problem - using PC floppy drives on Atari ST without needed mod:  https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=42641
Yes, it happens when they ignore pages done ... hmm 17 years ago : PC floppy drive fix for Atari ST (https://atari.8bitchip.info/flomodam.html)
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 07-06-2023, 08:53:32
Quote from thread at atariage (ACSI2STM):  "I have a board in design that is based on the design from the project https://github.com/retro16/acsi2stm that is just about done if anyone is interested.  I have also tested it with the new 4.0 firmware.  It supports acsi and gemdos sd cards. "

 Good example of shallowness.  acsi (ACSI correct) is not SD card type, as GEMDOS is not it too. Really huge mixing up of terms.  But it goes on and on over decades, and do Atari forums help in clarifying things. Nope - they ban those who try to do it - because they are not polite :-)
  Well, I'm gonna be non polite and explain it:
ACSI is abbrev. of Atari Computer Systems (can be Storage too) Interface . Developed for fast data transfers with peripherals - hard disks in first place. Decades before SD cards. No wonder you can not insert SD card in ACSI port  ;D
 GEMDOS is in fact Atari STs disk operating system. Designed with compatibility with PC DOS in mind (DRI had his DOS for PC too in that time). So, even low Endian number format is used (called Intel format too - reversed high and low bytes).  But unfortunately it is not fully DOS compatible, only up to 32 MB partition size. Hard disk MBR format is different too.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 07-06-2023, 08:59:18
This is from masteries : " Omniflop software can read and write almost all type of floppies,
it can read copy-protected floppies and replicate these protections too:   ... "

  Part about being able to replicate copy protections is not correct for sure. That's just not possible with ordinary floppy controller chips used by computers. Actually, PCs floppy controller can not even read all used Atari floppy formats, without copy protections - i wrote about that long time ago on my site:  like hyperformat (11 sec/tr), some special formats with short gaps between sectors ...
  And if there were true, why devices like KryoFlux and SPC were made ?

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 19-06-2023, 08:40:32
From the thread with subject "just bought an UltraSatan" (AA), "did i make the right purchase or would ACSI2STM or SD4ST have been fine? there wasn't a clear answer with a quick google search. " :

"Expert' reply:
"There shouldn't be any major differences between the three devices, all of them act as an interface between the ST and the physical media.
That said, Ultrasatan is probably the fastest of them in terms of throughput (at least that was the case last time I checked) and has battery backed RTC (but then again probably so do the others). "

 Well, initial question is just typically simplification of thing. Not really possible to give proper answer without knowing some details.
 Right purchase ? best ? - that's not so simple.
But even then, those at AA, who think that they know things and give answer - well, the level is really low.  Should at least write about whit what 'media' which adapter works. And it is really simple and short:  SD card (US), micro SD card (ACSI2STM and SD4ST). And is not bad to add that all them support HC SD cards - unlike Satandisk. And use ICD protocol (important for driver SW), so can over 1 GB .
UltraSatan and SD4ST have battery baked RTC, what is extra function, not really related with storage.
Considering speed: yes UltraSatan is fastest, but not big difference, plus speed depends from used SD card too.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 30-06-2023, 08:31:14
Thread at AA "ST/STe compatibility question" :
"    The main source of incompatibility is the TOS version.
    There are much more titles that work on an ST with TOS 1.0, and don't work with TOS 1.4 (or even TOS 1.2); than titles that work on an ST with TOS 1.4 but not on an STE.

That is why I hated to send my 520 to Atari for the 520fm 'upgrade'.  I figured the original (with TOS 1.0) would be like the original Atari 800 and run a lot more than the later machines/TOS versions. "

Pretty bad formulation. 'Source' ?  Should say reason rather. Source is bad programming, not so good Atari documentation. Funnily biggest part of TOS version incompatibility causes not working controls - joystick in first place. STOS for instance. But some problems are just because TOS is on different address at STE (STOS included). That would be not just TOS version problem but HW design difference. Even more colors on STE can be a problem for some game code (Deffender of the Crown), and more screen related HW registers . But all it could be avoided with better code and better knowledge about HW.

And of course nobody at AA mentions that most of problematic games are fixed for STE and DL-able on my site.
I guess some like more to hate than to do something good for community.

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 15-08-2023, 19:02:50
They have no clue (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/353760-atari-sh204-upgrade/)
Well, this is worse than being useless.
All knowledge is to try this, try that driver, and like. In case of hardware error or bad config driver change will not help. And nobody mentioned well know disk size limits for Atari ACSI port - well, even ACSI port was not mentioned.

Another one: TOS 1.00 and UltraSatan (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/353783-atari-1040stf-tos-10-i-think-and-ultrasatan/)
First reply by Tillek - 'bad DMA' in early STs - never heard or saw it. Confusion about partition size limits.
And of course, usual blah about how some driver SW works much better than other - what exists, but their criterias are usually obsolete. Or they just don't read manuals (thread starter obviously).
All it is surely not simple, but at least try to stay at know facts, terminology.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 22-09-2023, 08:34:44
And more threads without really proper answers/help:
Atariage wisdom (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/355044-how-to-boot-from-floppy-with-a-hard-drive-attached/)
First to clarify what is boot from floppy:  strictly it means executing floppy's bootsector if it contains valid code and checksum. Lot of games start that way, and those without regular files can start only that way.
But usually boot from floppy means that there will be something loaded from floppy, what determines further behavior, Desktop look, content.  All TOS versions have following order during boot (after reset, power on):
booting from floppy (normally A:), then booting from hard disk, executing AUTO folder's PRG files - and it will be from A: in case of not booting hard disk driver, or from C: if hard disk driver is on.
Next one is loading DESKTOP.INF (or NEWDESK.INF) from boot partition (A or C) and setting desktop according to it's content. At TOS 1.04 there is option to run automatically some PRG/TOS when it is marked as AUTO in DESKTOP.INF .

The answer on thread question:  all better hard disk drivers have option to exit without setting up driver. It is usually Alt key pressed during it's boot. Then boot will continue as there is no hard disk attached.
If no such option, better forget that driver and get something better - up to date, TOS/DOS compatible partitions etc ...
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 13-10-2023, 16:26:53
Hdd solution for playing games (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/355603-playing-my-favorite-game-on-a-new-to-me-1040stf-next-need-hdd/)
Sure, HDDriver (Seimet) is 'defacto standard' - for those who want problems in many cases. That driver tends to set too much RAM for buffers, what results in problems for game starters.
Not to mention that it costs pretty much .  Hmm... maybe that's why DarkLord recommends it ? Let's sell expensive stuff, even if it does not task best, but he is good with it's author. This are such times.
Not any hard disk adapter requires specific TOS version. I did read all kind of posts where is obvious that most of people have no clue how hard disk SW, HW works. Communication with hard disk or Flash card always goes on very low level - computer gives command and then parameters. Main commands are read and write, after what need to give exact address of sector(s) on disk/media/card and count of them (all them are in one block, of course). Disk, adapters don't 'know' to witch partition those sectors belong. It is task of OS (TOS by Ataris).
Simbo (was active at AF earlier) claimed that Satandisk deals with files, partitions. When I wrote that maybe someone who wrote hard disk driver SW knows that, those things better he still stayed by that ridiculous claim. So it goes by many self declared experts.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 16-10-2023, 11:08:30
And they read this, it seems. Darklord added some post, where he clarifies :-) 
Then of course Tillek had something to say: "HDDriver is great.  It's a far more professional package, with great support.  The author won't call you "stoopid" for asking questions.  Uwe is a great asset to the community. "
Interesting - I never saw Uwe Seimet on any Atari forum. Maybe banned ?  :-) So, I don't give professional package, good support. I only know to insult people . Sure, when something is very stupid I call it stoopid. And will say it clearly. Will then persona get insulted - that's on his level of self awareness, education. Instead getting offended may think little about seld, and what can do better.  Btw. Tillek forgot to mention that I called him 'shallow' - well, maybe because he again and again proves that he is it. 
Now I need to work on myself. How to become really good 'asset'   ;D
Adding new features to driver SW is not good for community. Who needs Virtual Floppy, LFN filtering, automatic drive icon creation for TOS 1.00-1.62 ? All those pages on my site about TOS, hard disk handling and others. No, all it is only my lack of assetity :-) 
Tillek, you are not only shallow, but moron. Don't see what is in front from you.

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 16-10-2023, 11:16:30
Conversion from sts to flux image (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=448457#p448457)
This is old idea. I worked on STX image support with HxC emulator coder some 10 years ago. We both stated that STX format can not hold all informations needed for writing to real floppies - in case of some harder copy protections and special formats. Or in other words, it is good for emulators.  Or: conversion is possible in many cases, but not in all. As is possible to covert STX to ST format - myself made program for that . Of course, not everything is possible to convert 100% .
Ijor could write all it in that thread, but simpler was to not go in details, because that would be saying something negative about STX format, and that's insult !  :)
Well, my goal was not to insult but to explain things, to write facts, experience.
And to add: of course that Aufit can convert SCP to STX, but not opposite. SCP just holds more information than STX .
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 21-10-2023, 08:32:11
And new thread at atariage: "Net to floppy" (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/355816-can-you-convert-st-programs-from-the-net-back-to-floppy-disc/)
At moment last post there says: "Usually complaining about how "stoopid" people at AtariAge are. :) "
That would be me, of course.
Let's see what is the reality:  First of all, I started this thread not with goal to call people stoopid, shallow. Goal is to give proper answers to questions. To point on mistakes, wrong claims. And yes, when you see something very stupid may happen that you say it openly. Why people tend to write things in them when self are not sure ? I mean, can see lot of post where says: "I think ..." . Maybe to not write in that thread ? There is already enough confusion about all it.
So, here are my answers about questioned in that thread, but first I need to correct thread title:
It is called not 'convert', conversion . And not "programs from the net" . Distribution of SW originally on floppies started before Internet era. Yes, first way was to send copies to customers. But little later BBS way was used too - and that needed image files of floppies (their content) . Or some archiver what contained all files on floppy.  So, the proper question would be: how to write files, floppy images for usage on Atari ST with PC ?
Of course, that's old thing, need for it was present from beginning, and especially since Internet era.
ColecoGamer got useful answer very soon: link to my FloImg page. There is lot of things explained - so the reasons why USB floppy drives are not good, with details on linked page: Floppy Mistery. (https://atari.8bitchip.info/FloppyMistery.php)
But ColecoGamer obviously did not read it at all. He went with his USB drive. 
So, I need to write it again:  USB floppy drives are not useful, or better said not usable for Atari ST usual formats. They have limited geometry support - will not work with very common 800 KB format. Some work only with 1440 KB format (not used with Atari ST(E), only with Mega STE, in very rare cases) .
Later answers in thread were about how to transfer files on floppies, with PC. That's useful, but I think that in most cases it will be floppy image files what people can DL on Internet - that's the usual way of preserving Atari ST SW , and that's good. In some cases it must be in that format to work at all.

If just writing files on floppies is goal: format DD (720KB) floppy on PC, or with my formatting program for Atari ST, set to PC compatible format (DL on FloImg page). Then copy files on it. It will work with Atari, any TOS version. Better said, will be readable with any TOS version. Work may be TOS version dependant.
Well, it may be that some SW will not fit on 720 KB. Because needs 800 KB floppy. That's the case when you need FloImg. And that's the reason why I went in hard work of making it - did not say 'programmed' because there is much more in all it - research, plenty of tests, doing WEB pages, etc ...  Yet, some people don't care about all time and effort, they care only about own ego, and to solve something with minimal effort. Well, not everything is possible to solve simple and in short time. Trying it may be just waste of time.
I know that people likes simple explanations, but there is no such in this case. Ad no in many cases. Simple explanation is just not enough, and will cause more confusion than help. That's what I want to prevent - and then may come some 'insulting' words:  'shallow', 'stoopid' . I do that not often, usually when it is really over the line. Of course, there are such ones who will remember it for whole life, and pull it over and over again - because they care only about own ego, not about how to be useful, how to solve technical problems.  Surely, banning is one of the solutions - to make those with good knowledge, experience with Atari ST, SW, HW for it away from forum - all problems solved ! Now forum will be so nice, polite and like ... and that's most important ! Not efficiency, getting proper answers in short time, being able to solve things. No, those like PLM are doing only harm. They think that just because made some SW they can write everything ! No, they should not correct people, saying that what wrote was shallow ! That's worst thing. Not wasting lot of time because of stoopid answers ! Yes, efficiency is evil ! I'm evil persona, because I wrote all that SW for Atari ST, supporting SW for PC. That's pure evil ! I should instead it waste my time in old lady fashioned sweet talk on forums. Much more useful spending of time. Thank you for your time reading this.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 21-10-2023, 10:14:23
 I could start new thread with what's following, but in some way it fits here.
So, let's see atariage and what is welcome there, what is not. What cretenism can read on some sites, and what is reason for that ...
 AA admin Albert posted thread about his cousin's retro stuff collecting - in ST section. While it belongs in general section, since there is most of it not Atari ST related. But of course nobody dared to ask him to move it in other section. Or at least I did not see such post :-) Was my little ironic reply there reason for my ban or not - not really relevant. Surely there were others who asked for it - like C.J. , Tillek ...
Ban self was not by rules. I did not get any explanation. Plus, I did not see on other forums that after ban under member's nick writes 'banned'. So, they banned member, but their posts remain there - while the reason for ban is certainly something written in them. Did not see that any of my posts was deleted there. It seems that marking people makes some feeling good ... New McCarthy time ?

Let see examples of blatant lies:
The only CDs worth their space (http://d-bug.me/)
LOL - even tag for page is insult - so all others are worthless ?  Morons.
On page 'Extras', near to bottom can read "Note: There is a program called FloImg that claims to be working perfectly and can read/write disks on the PC. D-Bug strongly discourages the use of this program, as it is known to wipe out whole Windows partitions without any sort of recovery!!!  "
Big words, 3 exclamation marks . While what writes is not only insulting, lie, but just impossible. This is floppy SW, not accessing any hard disk related Windows function, therefore it can not damage any hard disk partition. Everyone with little better computer knowledge is aware of that. And yet, whole bullshit is there over 10-15 years. Do Atari forum admins care ? Of course not. They are same as D-Bug - care only about own fame, momental interests. So, how many people was discouraged from usage of FloImg because this bullshit ? Will never know.  What can know that it comes up, and is recommended. Surely now, 17 years after I started with it is little harder to find PC, motherboard with built in floppy drive, controller for it on MBO . But there is still millions of them in good condition. Other way is to have some Flash card adapter for Atari ST, copy Atari ST floppy image files on SD card, then write it on floppies with Atari self.
Or now: do not use floppies at all with Atari - some are right about it, because their drive or HW part for it in Atari ST is not functional.  In any case I have solutions for all this cases. And guess what ? Nobody reported any data loss to me.  What is btw. possible with SD cards - in most cases right because low quality ones on 'market' .
Other D-Bug, or better C.J. nonsense:  ULS related. He wrote right at atariage that I 'copied ULS byte by byte ...' for my hard disk 'patching' system. Huahahahaha ... Another case of big words, and 0 truth.
Of course, moron admin did not react on it, not moderators - are they at all present at AA ? That would be right proper reason for ban.
So much. All what happens is so low, shallow, and shows that ego, vanity, selfishness, not thinking ahead is what prevails more and more this years. Not only in Atari forums. I see ridiculous cases of e-mail rejecting by some really big e-mail servers/SMTPs :  just because file extension IMG e-mail will be rejected. Regardless from content of file. I usually sent it ZIPped. So, all what checking SW does is that opens ZIP, and if finds there file with extension ZIP, or ASF (couple days ago e-mail with it was rejected, and I even don't know where it is used with modern computers - I just used it for 'Atari screen format' :-) ) And even funnier case:  ZIP was rejected because there was one file what was very good packable  ;D
Sure it was, because most of content was zeros, and my intention was to be good packable, because it was hard disk partition with only few files, so most of it was empty, so with same bytes .
Everyone with little better .... repeating self - yes, this filters are done so lazy, unprofessional that it is pathetic. So, I can send to someone virus, just need to take care about file extension ? Or there is check for know viruses, but as they are not sure that it will detect all them they added extra measures ?
File extension ? Sooo stoopid. And they are paid for it.  While viruses being spread with more efficient ways.
Then, marking some sites as harmful, just because some reported them, asked for it ? Without any proof. Again, McCarthy time . This is not democracy but rather anarchy.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 27-10-2023, 11:23:00
And this about writing on Atari ST floppies comes up again and again ...
AF thread (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=43156)
What seems as typical is that those who ask for help have some serious problems with attitude. Lot of it is answered on my WEBsite, on pages linked at FloImg page.  Obviously reading it all is too much for some. But not too much to read all answers on forums, from which 95% is really not useful - may see mentioning of Mint,
"I use a greaseweazle"   :)  - that's for sure right answer . What's next - letting adverts in replies in forums ?
If those forums would be administrated by responsible people there would be for long time already FAQ section. But those who lead it have no good technical knowledge, can not judge which WEB sites are good, with reliable content, experience ... Not to mention lazyness, don't care attitude.
So much time wasted on things which are clarified over decade ago.  There are no floppy controllers on new PC motherboards right about so long time. And then FloImg is culprit - does not work with USB drives  :)
I really 'like' way of shallowness, and that often becomes insulting. But who cares if I'm insulted. Nothing and nobody from Eastern Eu. Luckily there is people who prefer e-mail way of communication. That can say even word 'thanx' - unlike smartheads on forums.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 16-12-2023, 12:20:50
And more:  Game enh. with 1 MB RAM (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/357410-games-with-enhancements-for-1040stfm-owners-or-1mb-520stfms/)
I know about plenty of games using extra RAM (above 512 KB) for diverse enhancements. Probably most common is using extra RAM for disk cache, so must not reload everything from slow floppies. Then, sample base audio playback - samples are longer, so take more RAM - so by some games they will play only if there is 1 MB RAM min. It's usually in intro stage. And even game play can be better with more RAM. I saw cases when different exec loads when it is min 1 MB RAM . I would say that probably some 5-10 % of games, especially later ones has some improvement when 1 or more MB RAM is detected.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 18-12-2023, 09:39:21
This is 'best' so far:
AA thread (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/357149-my-unfortunate-experience-with-lotharek/)
What to say ? Well, if I would be still on that forum this would be when certainly abandoning it - unless moderators, admin do something with such pile of lies and nonsense.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 02-02-2024, 08:14:52
And more of shallowness:
BlueSCSI with Mega STE (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/358982-tuto-bluescsi-v2-on-mega-ste/)
It seems that some just don't want to learn, to read related details. They using ICD extended driver version from me with Atari Mega STE internal adapter. And are not aware about known limit of 1 GB of that adapter.
 Slow folder creation ? Huh, that's less problem. It will be very soon useless, as data is not written properly on disk/SD card.  Similar case as what was with MugUK-s thread at atari-forum. He tested some DOS compatible partitions with Atari ST . And it worked well for him - sure, because he did not wrote there much data, and did not go over (again: known) limit of 32 MB. After it data corruption happens - new files file be written to begin of partition, so overwriting what is there.
 I have all it explained on pages on my site.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 27-02-2024, 10:16:10
Really pathetic:
Thread at AA (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/347726-atari-st-newbie-with-questions-netusbee-ultrasatan-etc/)
Talk about PSU (in some 33 years old computer), and nobody mentioned need to change electrolyte capacitors. That's elementary.
Then 1 GB partitions - sure that needs BigDOS - more drivers active at once, and lot of programs will not work well. While there is UltraSatan and TOSDOS compatible partitions up to 512 MB size - surely enough for ST(E) SW, and can have 14 of them.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 15-03-2024, 12:51:53
Mega ST vs STE (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/314073-mega-st-vs-ste/)
Well, whole idea to start talk about diff-s between 2 machines from which one is launched in 1987 and other in 1989 is just bad - in those years development was strong. And everyone can look about it by checking main machine specs - how ? I'm not sure about it, but maybe, pardon MAYBE by using some search :-) Ah, but who am I ? Intelligent people will not use own brain, time, no - there are others to do it. And yes, WEB forums are made for it ! So, whole thread is just complete - yes, usual shallow blah - typical for AA (atariage).
 My answer to question: for sure STE is better. Why ? Because all extra features of Mega ST are not relevant today. It was good for professionals in 1987++ , but really - how much people dealt professionally with Atari ST machines then ? Now ? I'm sure you know the answer.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 23-03-2024, 13:35:09
Typical AA thread (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/341858-best-free-hdd-driver-to-use-for-an-image-for-ultrasatan-mini-or-hatari/)
People asks practically basic questions - well, often not well formulated, but level of answers is really pathetically low.  First thing: driver - that will work only with images which are with partitions (filesystem), master boot record (MBR) compatible with them. Hddriver has it's demo, but it is practically useless - user can not do partitioning because no partitioning program. Whole demo is just to show how driver installer works.  Or in other words: what I did is much more useful: I supplied images with driver - and image here means that it is with partitions, MBR . And with TOS/DOS compatible partitions. So, usable with Atari ST(E), TT, Falcon. And with modern computers - PC (Windows, Linux), Mac ... Or (again) in other words - you don't need emulator to access files, partitions on such image - they are accessible - need just USB reader - first write image to SD card (or CF card), then reinsert it, and will see partitions, files ...
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 14-06-2024, 01:49:54
I've not had any problems exchanging data between my ST's and a Kubuntu Linux laptop and a Windows 10 desktop. I use Mtools (command line) on the laptop and just pop a TOS/DOS compatible SD card into the Win10 box and it works fine. Blows up 4 windows, because I've got 4 partitions on the card but that's not a problem.  :)

Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 19-07-2024, 08:21:18
Thread at AF, what I started in 2008 : Generally about incompatibility (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=14839)
Well, as usual, some care more about propagating own SW than the problem about what is thread - like EmuTOS man.
 I write now because last couple post there, where STX image conversion to ST/MSA is asked. Is is old thing, and after 10 days no any answer about conversions and using STX images with Gotek or other HW floppy emulator. While is is known thing over decade and more.
 So, can not convert every STX image to ST, MSA format. Only those with regular format, without any little complexer copy protection can be converted. Because Atari ST SW, and mostly games used really wide range of diverse special formats, copy protected parts (what means that can not write it with usual floppy drives) .
 I worked little on STX format support for HXC HW emulator, with it's designer. At the end we concluded that it is only partially possible. STX format just does not have all info needed for writing to floppies. It is good for emulators on modern computers - in read only mode in big parts.
 Same stays for usage with Gotek, of course.
I wrote program for conversion of STX to ST format - and it is good for regular disk formats.
 So, the answer is:  can convert only some STX images - those with regular floppy format and without copy protection. ST, MSA have no place for anything extra over regular tracks and sectors.
 And of course my Image Runner can not run STX files.
Someone should point to ftovar where to DL unprotected games.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 19-07-2024, 17:49:42
Thanks for the explanation.

I've mentioned your web site I couldn't tell you how many times Peter.

Sometimes, the message just doesn't get through.  :)
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 31-10-2024, 09:22:34
AA thread (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/362307-netbsd-gains-support-for-the-atari-partition-scheme/)

Just one sentence from it: "I'm surprised that a 32GB card works in your UltraSatan, I was only able to get what I wanted with an old 4GB card.

(edit: it's a 4GB card, not a 2GB one.) "

 Typical lack of knowledge - well, how else could it be for people following 'popular' Atari ST forums ?
What is the case is that UltraSatan can handle very large capacity cards too - like 64 GB.
 I bought 32 GB card couple years ago, and it worked not with US. Then swapped it with card in my camera (32 GB too), and it worked, new card works in camera.  So, what it is about ?  New cards are just faster, with faster HW logic - and that may work not well with slower one in UltraSatan (or some other adapter) .
 Old different speed logic interfacing problem. Therefore I recommend to people to take care when buying SD cards - not to get some very high speed ones.
 And to add : capacity limit of 4 GB is ridiculous. Even TOS can more - 7 GB (1.04 and higher), TOS 4.04 can 14 GB .
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 03-12-2024, 17:35:11
And atariage still 'delivers' : Connecting 4 drives at once (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/376854-how-do-you-connect-4-megafile-hard-drives-to-an-atari-ste/)
 Huh - I was writing already 10 years ago that avoid connecting 2 or more hard disks on 1 port of Atari ST(E) machines - because they are old, and extra load may cause unreliable work, or even some failure by components (in adapters too).  And now, when it is old some 35 years 4 drives ...  Why doing it at all ? Only clever thing with so old drives is to save/copy valuable data from them to some newer storage (someone said SD card ?), and then put them aside, in museum.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 03-12-2024, 17:39:30
And atari-forum is ...  Why, oh why ! (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=44457&sid=14e5a720ac77e1563447fa2ffeab5f72)
Greenious the 'HW guru' has no clue, ah, this is not HW, sorry  ;D
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 03-12-2024, 18:36:16
Quote from: Petari on 03-12-2024, 17:35:11And atariage still 'delivers' : Connecting 4 drives at once (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/376854-how-do-you-connect-4-megafile-hard-drives-to-an-atari-ste/)
 Huh - I was writing already 10 years ago that avoid connecting 2 or more hard disks on 1 port of Atari ST(E) machines - because they are old, and extra load may cause unreliable work, or even some failure by components (in adapters too).  And now, when it is old some 35 years 4 drives ...  Why doing it at all ? Only clever thing with so old drives is to save/copy valuable data from them to some newer storage (someone said SD card ?), and then put them aside, in museum.

I'm not sure why Rcamp is trying to use 4 Megafiles either. Look at all the space and electricity that will take up. He would be far better off going with one of the many newer mass storage solutions available these days.

I did have a Megafile 60 and a Megafile 30 together one time but that was waaaay back in the early 90's. Even then, one of them kept overheating and would have to be shut down occasionally to let it cool off.   :)
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 19-01-2025, 13:32:28
And more crap from AA :  More bad answers (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/378794-question-about-a-heavily-modded-megafile-30/)

Forrest wrote:  " ... The ICD supports up to 16 (?) hard drive partitions, ranging in size from 16 MB to 2 GB. ... "
 Count of supported partitions depends from TOS, TOS version in first place. And it is known thing. Just not at idiot forums.
 Partitions sizes - same, max partition size depends from TOS and TOS version in first place. And no, no 2 GB partition size with ST, STE . 512 MB is max . TOS 4.04 supports max 1 GB partitions, but it is for Falcon, what has no ACSI port, so ICD driver works not with it.
 This is really about 1000-st bad posting about it at AA. What is goal of admin ? Big count of posts instead correct replies, knowledge ?  Just pathetic.
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 19-01-2025, 19:11:11
I have to admit that it's pretty surprising, as long as the ST
has been around, that there's still misunderstanding about TOS
and it's specifications for hard drive use.

All a person has to do is google for 5 minutes and the info is
all there...   :)
Title: Re: How to be useless
Post by: Petari on 26-02-2025, 19:01:34
And of course it just go on at AA - thread started in 2021 - and no proper explanation, solution. While I solved it somewhere 10-15 years ago. 5.25 drive on ST (https://forums.atariage.com/topic/323436-atari-st-525-external-drive-issue/)
 I wrote about danger of damaging PSG chip in ST when connect directly 5.25 inch drive - as some of them load some control lines much more than 3.5 inch drives, and that results in breaking of PSG chip, after what no floppy work. No word about it in AA thread.
 Well, if there is no problem with PSG line overload there is still problem of slower seek rate of 5.25 drives. And of course it has nothing relevant with 40/80 track switch. Seek rate in 80 track mode is simply higher because larger disk size, so need bigger movement. And I write this according to my experience. I tested with number of 5.25 inch drives, and all needed 6 ms seek rate .
 And yes, there is TOS function to set it to it, but only in later TOS versions.
 Seek rate setting  program by TGB1718 is not well written. For write to very low RAM, what needs supervisor mode XBIOS #26 is better - only one TOS call instead 2 . But that address depends from TOS version, so better to use XBIOS call for step rate set - present in later TOS versions.
 Of course, best is to just not mess with floppy drives now - too much risk for already fragile old Atari STs .
 Why I messed with 5.25 drives on Atari ST ? It was long time ago, before 2000 . Needed to transfer some SW, data with such floppies. Now I'm happy if see some 3.5 inch drive working.