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Software / Re: Puffy's Saga
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 11-02-2025, 18:54:12
Thanks Peter...!  This game reminds me of Gauntlet II in places.  :)

Software / Re: Puffy's Saga
Last post by Petari - 11-02-2025, 17:14:29
Solved work of blitter version with 1 MB RAM only (from floppy) - it needed some 50 corrections in code.
Hard disk v. with it needs 2 MB RAM min (as usual) - and there are state saves, as usual  :)
Unlimited health opt. too.
Page with DLs
Software / Puffy's Saga
Last post by Petari - 10-02-2025, 14:06:13
 I made some corrections with 2 versions of Puffy's Saga .
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 07-02-2025, 17:33:20
I know the text adventure games aren't for everyone but
there are some really great games there.

I played Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Zork to
death, back in the day.   :)

Thanks for doing them Peter.
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Petari - 07-02-2025, 15:08:11
Did remaining Infocom adventures:

Border Zone
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Hollywood Hijinx
Nord and Bert

Plundered Hearts
Sherlock the Riddle of the Crown Jewels

Zork Trilogy (1-3)

All they work in color and monochrome mode .
Hardest part was finding floppy images of all them, cover scan pictures.

At atarimania are 2 more:  Mines of Titan  and  Shogun . I searched, and by all signs no Atari ST versions of them made. 

Software / Interesting HDDriver discussio...
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 01-02-2025, 22:36:40
This popped up over at Atari-Forum.

Pretty interesting stuff.

"HD Driver works on your 030+ Atari just by coincidence"

News / Re: How to be useless
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 19-01-2025, 19:11:11
I have to admit that it's pretty surprising, as long as the ST
has been around, that there's still misunderstanding about TOS
and it's specifications for hard drive use.

All a person has to do is google for 5 minutes and the info is
all there...   :)
News / Re: How to be useless
Last post by Petari - 19-01-2025, 13:32:28
And more crap from AA :  More bad answers

Forrest wrote:  " ... The ICD supports up to 16 (?) hard drive partitions, ranging in size from 16 MB to 2 GB. ... "
 Count of supported partitions depends from TOS, TOS version in first place. And it is known thing. Just not at idiot forums.
 Partitions sizes - same, max partition size depends from TOS and TOS version in first place. And no, no 2 GB partition size with ST, STE . 512 MB is max . TOS 4.04 supports max 1 GB partitions, but it is for Falcon, what has no ACSI port, so ICD driver works not with it.
 This is really about 1000-st bad posting about it at AA. What is goal of admin ? Big count of posts instead correct replies, knowledge ?  Just pathetic.
Hardware / Re: And more idiotic blah at A...
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 12-01-2025, 18:33:19
I saw that post. I thought it was funny when he said it wasn't one of your games,
because it was obvious that would be one of the first things someone would blame
it on.   ;)

Hardware / And more idiotic blah at AA
Last post by Petari - 12-01-2025, 13:47:42
AA thread
 And that Yellowman wrote "It wasn't a game that was patched by Ppera."  What a relief ! Usual suspect is not guilty ! Because, it looks that those want harm me, my works, potential users of it made effect with their lies and bullshit nonsense - moronic forum bans people with knowledge, but does nothing when obvious lies, nonsenses are written - what matters is that who posted is ass licker type - will not write anything against forum staff, or dare to write some critic, even constructive.
 And it looks that Yellowman uses pirate copy of my hard disk driver/partitioner SW - I don't see him among registered users, and he does not know details about how all it works. However, did not claim that ICD driver destroyed UltraSatan firmware - of course, they are not hackers.
 So, Yellowman, what I do are not game patches. If you'd care about some respect toward man who spent thousands of hours and days dealing with all it, you should at least use proper terms. And read what I wrote on my WEB pages, in my forum.
 There is no SW what can destroy HW, firmware - when it is well designed and set properly. I wrote already to Jookie when idiot at AA wrote that may game hacks destroyed his US . He was very mad because it.
 Actually, only reasonable explanation about it, and why it happens now much more often is: lower and lower quality of electronic/computer/microcontroller components. As it is with lot of new products.
 So, blame not Ppera, blame those new manufacturers and people leading such companies because being money hungry and corrupt. All they want is to sell more and more, even at price of more environment pollution, unsatisfied customers, and lot of wasted time and energy because all of it.  This cretenism must end. We, ordinary humans deserve better .