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Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 24-07-2024, 20:29:14
Wizard's Crown? Nice.   :)
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Petari - 24-07-2024, 15:20:05
 And Infocom adventures:  Ballyhoo,  Moon Mist .
Will do all their txt. adventures. Those with graphic are already done.

 Froggy Day in London Town
 Wizard's Crown - ST version is less known. Did hard disk adapt (HAGE, as it is with GEM) and single disk floppy version - no need to bother with own data disk. Atarimania says that automation v. is not good.
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by dakidski - 24-07-2024, 01:23:22
Quote from: Petari on 22-07-2024, 20:35:21New adapts done, under work:

 Black Down  -  STAC graphic adv.
 Cobra Strike - STOS, vertical scroll shooter
 Core Wars  -  STOS , can call it code wars
 Daze Aster -  graph. adv. STOS . With instructions in PRG file.
 Derrick the Droid  - not easy game, and seems original
 Dominium - by Microids, French l.  Very nice intro and graphic
 Dream Zone  -  HAGE v. of game with WIMP .
 Esprit Maths CM1-CM2 - by Lankhor. Color and monochrome mode
 Faces Revenge - another Boulder Dash clone. Color and monochrome mode
 Fire - emulator of Nintendo game from 1981
 Fruity Attack  - SCK shooter, vertical scroll
 Nibe - well done snake game v.
 Paris Dakar 90 - by Tomahawk, kind of 3D
 Runners Revenge - platform, collector . Monochrome mode only
 Soccer Supremo  - by Midnight Oil. Football manager
 Soccer Supremo  - by Crysys. Football manager
 Spitting Fish - by Budgie UK. In 5 langs . Little targeting practice
 Turbo ST  - by Prism Leisure - racing
 Visa pour Hyde Park - by Coktel Vision. English lession for French kids

Always nice to see STAC games!
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 23-07-2024, 19:16:45
Someone has been busy!  :)
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by Petari - 22-07-2024, 20:35:21
 New adapts done, under work:

 Black Down  -  STAC graphic adv.
 Cobra Strike - STOS, vertical scroll shooter
 Core Wars  -  STOS , can call it code wars
 Daze Aster -  graph. adv. STOS . With instructions in PRG file.
 Derrick the Droid  - not easy game, and seems original
 Dominium - by Microids, French l.  Very nice intro and graphic
 Dream Zone  -  HAGE v. of game with WIMP .
 Esprit Maths CM1-CM2 - by Lankhor. Color and monochrome mode
 Faces Revenge - another Boulder Dash clone. Color and monochrome mode
 Fire - emulator of Nintendo game from 1981
 Fruity Attack  - SCK shooter, vertical scroll
 Nibe - well done snake game v.
 Paris Dakar 90 - by Tomahawk, kind of 3D
 Runners Revenge - platform, collector . Monochrome mode only
 Soccer Supremo  - by Midnight Oil. Football manager
 Soccer Supremo  - by Crysys. Football manager
 Spitting Fish - by Budgie UK. In 5 langs . Little targeting practice
 Turbo ST  - by Prism Leisure - racing
 Visa pour Hyde Park - by Coktel Vision. English lession for French kids
News / Re: How to be useless
Last post by Ronald J. Hall - 19-07-2024, 17:49:42
Thanks for the explanation.

I've mentioned your web site I couldn't tell you how many times Peter.

Sometimes, the message just doesn't get through.  :)
News / Re: How to be useless
Last post by Petari - 19-07-2024, 08:21:18
Thread at AF, what I started in 2008 : Generally about incompatibility
Well, as usual, some care more about propagating own SW than the problem about what is thread - like EmuTOS man.
 I write now because last couple post there, where STX image conversion to ST/MSA is asked. Is is old thing, and after 10 days no any answer about conversions and using STX images with Gotek or other HW floppy emulator. While is is known thing over decade and more.
 So, can not convert every STX image to ST, MSA format. Only those with regular format, without any little complexer copy protection can be converted. Because Atari ST SW, and mostly games used really wide range of diverse special formats, copy protected parts (what means that can not write it with usual floppy drives) .
 I worked little on STX format support for HXC HW emulator, with it's designer. At the end we concluded that it is only partially possible. STX format just does not have all info needed for writing to floppies. It is good for emulators on modern computers - in read only mode in big parts.
 Same stays for usage with Gotek, of course.
I wrote program for conversion of STX to ST format - and it is good for regular disk formats.
 So, the answer is:  can convert only some STX images - those with regular floppy format and without copy protection. ST, MSA have no place for anything extra over regular tracks and sectors.
 And of course my Image Runner can not run STX files.
Someone should point to ftovar where to DL unprotected games.
Wow, I don't think I've even heard of that game before.

 As title says - less known game, and there are 2 cracks available, but they have some changes in some screens + need 1 MB RAM. I want it untouched .
Software / Re: New game adaptations
Last post by dakidski - 13-07-2024, 20:42:03