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New game adaptations

Started by Petari, 05-09-2022, 21:33:50

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Total Recall
Suspicious Cargo  -  pretty hard case with overcomplicated floppy code

 New image is ready. 2460 records - added 84 games in last 2 months, used expanded aka list (see in preservation section)  . Please e-mail me with your config description if interested for.


Add With Oscar  - math for kids
Aux Origines de la Vie - educational, Fr.
Bridge Master  -  card game
Die Hard 2  -  be Bruce W. (well, younger one)
Gomoku, Renju  -  game variants
Hellowoon  -  De.
HMS Cobra  -  Fr.
Magical Math II  -  color, monochrome
Mathex Junior  -  more math for kids
Play and Read  Learn to read with Prof level I
Samurai Way of the Warrior
Sirtet  -  read it in reverse
Spanish Tutor
Steve McQueen Westphaser  -  version playable with mouse
Strike Fleet

Ronald J. Hall

Hmm, don't believe I've heard of "U-Boat".

Anyone know what that's like? Thanks.  :)

Welcome To DarkForce! "The Fuji Lives.!"
Atari SW/HW based BBS - 1040


U-Boat is simple ship against submarine game, written in STOS .
In compil. Picker . Not listed separately at atarimania.
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Ronald J. Hall

Oh, okay. That explains it. I'm not intimately familiar with all the STOS games.

Thanks!  :)
Welcome To DarkForce! "The Fuji Lives.!"
Atari SW/HW based BBS - 1040


And something special: Son Shu Shi
Yes, it is good working all levels Son Shu Shi (aka Son Shu Si).
Well, according to fact that still no STX image is available and that Replicants talk about bug fixes, I tend to think that this game might be buggy, and therefore sales were low, maybe was even pulled out from shops.
And to add: pretty hard, so cheats are almost a must. I hope that someone will test/play it to end soon ...
And wrote about it .

Ronald J. Hall

Quote from: Petari on 17-10-2024, 17:40:00And something special: Son Shu Shi
Yes, it is good working all levels Son Shu Shi (aka Son Shu Si).
Well, according to fact that still no STX image is available and that Replicants talk about bug fixes, I tend to think that this game might be buggy, and therefore sales were low, maybe was even pulled out from shops.
And to add: pretty hard, so cheats are almost a must. I hope that someone will test/play it to end soon ...
And wrote about it .

I loaded this game up on my STacy in compatibility mode (TOS v1.4, 8mhz) and it started up fine. Graphics are pretty. Sound worked. I only played around on the 1st level but it seemed okay. I did notice (as you mentioned) that I had to press the * key a couple of times to get it to exit to the desktop but it did so cleanly.

Thanks for the adaptation.  :)
Welcome To DarkForce! "The Fuji Lives.!"
Atari SW/HW based BBS - 1040


Alone in Haunted Monastery
Alphabet Mix
Bank Buster - special breakout v.
Better Maths
Bosse des Maths
Butterfly in the Park
Championship Cricket
Cops n Robbers Too
Decimal Dungeon
Gettysburg  (Atari r.)
High Steel  - pretty highly complicated floppy code
IBS Pegasus
Magical Adventure in a Haunted Mansion
Magical Myths
Maths Mania
Maxi Bourse International
Perfect Match
Primary Maths Course
Professional Tennis Simulator - v2
Red Heat
Seconds Out
Son Shu Shi
Space Shuttle II
Star Trek the Klingon War
World Darts


  New 7 GB image with over 2530 game DIRs is almost completed. Mail me at - this week very good conditions to get it. It is for TOS 1.04 and higher, now usual/popular SD cards adapters. IDE adapters too. TOS/DOS compatible partitions, game menu, search function ..
 What is added can see in replies above here.
And added this days:  Shocker 2,  Kids Talk, Dungeons & Amethists, Atariausgabe 1-9 (with fixes), Espace ...


How about a poor peasant, that previously paid, but now have fallen on hard times? Can I have a copy too? Regards, dakidski/Asger


Well, to be able to do all it I need to pay food, rent and other things - and prices go up, food quality down. With so many titles all goes slower. Plus, need to explain lot of it to beginners with Atari ST.
Partially because lot of bad writings about storage devices for Atari ST - we have some new ones with misleading presentation instead of detailed and accurate technical details. So, I need to work on those things too, not only games.
Anyway, I didn't forget you Asger. Need to do some 8 Infocom text adventures yet - what will be not so hard. It was just too tight with latest one - wanted to complete it before Xmas, while I found some new game image sources. New release surely before Easter , and probably last one for longer time.


Something special: Atari ST version game from 1987 (well, educational game) - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing :
It was really hard case, mostly because unusual way of making user's data disk (called 'Installed Data Disk') - well, may be part of copy protection. It took plenty of time to even understand how it should to work. And I abandoned it at one point, some 2 months ago. Then, new doc. movie about Mavis appeared. And I saw that she was pretty popular, edu. games for typing after her were popular, so there are versions for popular computers, and even fresh ones. So, I got in it again. And at price of multiple days, I solved it's Atari ST version hard disk work. And not only it - work from floppy - it had problems with creating data disk, especially in monochrome mode (yes, it works in it too) . + TOS version incompat. problems.
 It works now well with min RAM requirements under all ST(E) TOS versions, so you can DL it and try - or better, make your children to play/practice it.
 Where to get it:  Floppy version
HD/Flash card version

Ronald J. Hall

Quote from: Petari on 07-01-2025, 19:26:45Something special: Atari ST version game from 1987 (well, educational game) - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing :
It was really hard case, mostly because unusual way of making user's data disk (called 'Installed Data Disk') - well, may be part of copy protection. It took plenty of time to even understand how it should to work. And I abandoned it at one point, some 2 months ago. Then, new doc. movie about Mavis appeared. And I saw that she was pretty popular, edu. games for typing after her were popular, so there are versions for popular computers, and even fresh ones. So, I got in it again. And at price of multiple days, I solved it's Atari ST version hard disk work. And not only it - work from floppy - it had problems with creating data disk, especially in monochrome mode (yes, it works in it too) . + TOS version incompat. problems.
 It works now well with min RAM requirements under all ST(E) TOS versions, so you can DL it and try - or better, make your children to play/practice it.
 Where to get it:  Floppy version
HD/Flash card version

Wow, I remember this program from way back in the day. I've actually got a copy but I never could get it to work (I think the floppy disk was damaged).

I'll grab it and try it later on all my various machines. I can check hi-res too.

Thanks Peter!  :)
Welcome To DarkForce! "The Fuji Lives.!"
Atari SW/HW based BBS - 1040
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Did remaining Infocom adventures:

Border Zone
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Hollywood Hijinx
Nord and Bert

Plundered Hearts
Sherlock the Riddle of the Crown Jewels

Zork Trilogy (1-3)

All they work in color and monochrome mode .
Hardest part was finding floppy images of all them, cover scan pictures.

At atarimania are 2 more:  Mines of Titan  and  Shogun . I searched, and by all signs no Atari ST versions of them made. 

Ronald J. Hall

I know the text adventure games aren't for everyone but
there are some really great games there.

I played Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Zork to
death, back in the day.   :)

Thanks for doing them Peter.
Welcome To DarkForce! "The Fuji Lives.!"
Atari SW/HW based BBS - 1040
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