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New game adaptations

Started by Petari, 05-09-2022, 21:33:50

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Champion of the Raj  YT video
Cricket Captain  YT video
Demon's Tomb  YT video
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And one of better freeware platformers: Floppy version   Fixed for all TOS versions, unlimited lives option.
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Crystals of Arborea En. and Fr. versions
Italia '90 World Cup Soccer  Yet another football sim. Developed by Andromeda (Hu team)
Multi Pakman  Interesting PacMan variant - 2 players at once on separated screen parts. Large maps, and of course then it scrolls (well)
International Cricket v2   Budgie UK, 3D view
Pacman Type Maze Game  More less usual PacMan, and there are some other classic game free versions like Monopoly, Minipoly, Chess, Megaroids, ThinkCross ...
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At the Carnival  Aka Puzzle Gallery
Companion 1 Vertical scrolling shooter with small sprites and smooth scroll, movement
Fun School 3 , for 5 to 7 years  Diverse tasks - journey, collect, toyshop, electricity, funtext, time
Getaway  Wimp adventure
Glass Buttock of Tharg  RPG
Rockfall Special Edition  No cheat, better try to solve it normally. State saves may help.
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 New, 7 GB image is under work, and will be ready in day-two. It is for TOS 1.04 and higher. Extra size will be useful for additional material as pictures, videos, and of course state saves.
 Currently there are 2048 DIRs - I added many (less known) games in last 2 months. There will be not much more - I don't see that many quality games left. What need to work on is doing screenshots for most of games, some new videos. That needs plenty of time.  More details in e-mail.
7 GB image demo video
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And few more:
Tangram - hardest part was to find image of it
Battle Master - yet one more with bad IKBD code. Needed some correction to start reliable. Yes, not only 'converting', changing disk code , it is about fixing some not so good code, what passes when run from floppy, and not when run from much faster storage.
Dalek Attack - this was harder case because really strange floppy code, then needed some extra measure to make intro part being not skipped .

This latest new adapts are available for now only on latest compilation. What has many improvements over downloading files one by one. Plus, I was not able to update page with game table because of health issues caused by poisoned food and drinks. E-mail me with details about your Atari ST(E) config, used mass storage adapter type, storage media. You saw it correct: number is 2070 . So much items in game list. Count of games is not same - there are multiple versions of same game - like older version of adapt, newer version. Then original game, same with some improvements. Aka game titles - pointing to same DIR, so one version. Really don't see need to deal with both versions only because different title screen (text). And there are opposite cases too: multiple games in one DIR . Like 21 simpler, shorter games. 
What is real count of games ? Really hard to get correct answer, that need some time. I guess that number is right around 2000 . And it is more complicated in fact - should we count as separate game all those Tetris, Boulder Dash ... versions, remakes ?
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And finally:
Utopia - was pretty hard case, floppy code is strange, so needed lot of tracing and thinking about how to solve code what redirects it to hard disk/cache.
And needed some IKBD code fix too.  In any case, pretty good game.
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Less known games:
Firestorm - avoid, rescue type g.
Dames Simulator - Francais
Lucky Luke - French v. There is German v. too. Needed to combine good files from diverse sources to have all uncorrupted files (corruption everywhere now  :(  ) . It seems that shooting is final level ?
Sunny Shine - only German v. was done. And is really hard to find. Will add ST images of this and Lucky Luke on my site soon.
Centurian - shooting, collecting in some desert like area.
Willys Brother - short (30 KB) game. Better play it with joystick, otherwise diagonal move (needed a lot) will be pretty hard. GFA source included - chance to improve game  :D


Updated Space Harrier 20 level edition.
Space Harrier 20 levels

 Floppy v. :
Space Harrier all 20 levels on 1 floppy  Unlim lives opt.
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Rana Rama , HAGA v. with trainer options done by Jeffrey Young .
Rana Rama YT

Championship Manager Italia '95  2 videos:
With usual HAG2 
With new HAG2
May see that with new HAG2 it works much faster, without fading during player transfers - because much more direct hard disk/Flash card access from game.
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The following games have been updated to include game instructions that I typed/OCRed in.  All of my HAGA conversions now contain gameplay texts. Thanks Peter for updating the zips with the next text files!  Redownload for the new files.

Chuckie Egg
Chuckie Egg 2
Gemini Wing
Magic Land Dizzy
Prince of the Yolkfolk Dizzy
Saint Dragon
Street Fighter 2
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