Adaptation of games continues ..

Started by Anemos, 04-11-2010, 15:57:50

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I received some number of requests to put all hard disk adaptations in single archive, for easier download.  Unfortunately, it will not happen - maybe after couple years, when I will stop with it.
I recommend that download only what you plan to play in near future. This with game hard disk adaptations is living project, and I often update older games.  So, DL-ing all at once will give you lot of stuff, which may be not up to date after some months, years.  And you will not have time to even shortly try all it.  Another thing is that hosting all game adaptations additionally as large archive with all 850 archives would need another 1-2 GB  of WEB host space, + more bandwith, and that costs money.

And I would like that people instead hording stuff on now large and cheap hard disks  play actually those games  :)   And give more feedback. I really can not test/play all it enough.  At moment I have done some 8 games 90%, but simply can not test them well.  Max 10-20% is what I can play thoroughly. Best would be to test games in detail on different configurations.



Would an ftp access be an option?


Wow so many new games fixed since my last visit, impressive work ppera!
Have you considered Elvira 2 - Jaws of cerberus? Would love to play this one on my falcy :)


Wow ! Seven floppies. How that I missed it ? And it will be 21 at the end, I think  :)


Oh that's a wonderful idea - Elvira Jaws Of Cerberus - I second this and so look forward to it.
Thank you :)
AtariCrypt . . stay cool & stay ATARI ST
Atari MEGA STe | Atari STe | MiNT OS 1-19 Aranym OS X


Thank you petari for your good work..  :)
My system: Atari STE 4MB, OS: SuperTOS 2.06, HD: US/disk 4gb SDcard ,ppera v0.98 HD drivers, USB mouse adapter by me, PSX controller joy adapter by me,  full list of adaption,s games by Petari.
Second Atari machine: 1040 STF
Other: 2X Lilliput Atari 130 XE


Elvira Jaws Of Cerberus actually runs great on falcon if you use pasti images. But you will have to cope with copy protection!


I looked Elvira's Jaws, and they are pretty huge :-) It will take little more time, as I have some extra duties at moment. Sorry.



Here is some games i didn't see in your site :

Driving Force
Goldrunner 2
Continental Circus
Lure of the temptress (i can provide this game if you need, i have the original somewhere...)

Thanks for your work...



I got it everything. But Intruder (UBI soft) cracked by Replicants is useless - no way to make it working from hard disk. Need original or some other crack. Cover scan too  :)


Hi and thanks for your answer.

Sorry, i can't help for Intruder...

Seems to be a good game but i never played it.


Hello Petari / all , I have perhaps a strange request : 3D Construction Kit, by Incentive.
Sure, it runs from floppy nice (on my Mega STE) but the hard drive installer that it comes with fails to actually install. I've copied over the files manually into a folder on my hdd -and the game does launch - but it seems to do nothing after selecting english as my language. I've tried reducing the cpu down to 8mhz but that had no effect, same end result.
But booting from off the floppy works. But I wanted this on my hard drive (and it would be nice to use it at 16Mhz!)

Is there a possible way to get a hdd adapted version done?

Of course, I've the real original here and not a hack. If that helps?

Thanks, Steve :-)
AtariCrypt . . stay cool & stay ATARI ST
Atari MEGA STe | Atari STe | MiNT OS 1-19 Aranym OS X


I see that there is 3D Construction Kit II too - at Atarimania, where I can DL it too. So, which version you want ?
Considering hard disk install - that works not well in many cases. Those installers and code self in SW is not really well done, and often fails with new configurations with larger partitions (over 32 MB) . Will deal with it next week most likely.


Ah perhaps that's it then? As my hard drive is 47mb you see.. Hmm

I have in front of me now the original box and it's saying 1991. So it's the first one I own / would like to install on hdd.
IF you get time next week then brilliant. Appreciate any help - thank you :)

AtariCrypt . . stay cool & stay ATARI ST
Atari MEGA STe | Atari STe | MiNT OS 1-19 Aranym OS X


Quote from: seblalisse on 28-09-2015, 17:35:34
Here is some games i didn't see in your site :
Driving Force
Goldrunner 2
Continental Circus
Lure of the temptress   ...

I did Continental Circus and Intruder (somehow solved it) for now.  Not tested them much, so I guess that you will  :-)