Adaptation of games continues ..

Started by Anemos, 04-11-2010, 15:57:50

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Yes,i realised after i had posted message the reason why no high score save.It would be nice if as you say you have ideas to implement it but the choice is yours,maybe see if enough demand for it to warrant the effort and yes i meant regular taking of snapshot [systematic] hmm im giving english lessons ;)  

Thinking about the high score table and realised why it seemed an issue.When 3 people are playing same game and rivalry crept in...Table is nice :)
a bit like football leagues.have sent gxp files btw



Hello !

I have planned to play Warhead from Activision. I read pretty lot of positive comments about this game as well as positive reviews from magazines back in the days.

As i don't know this game and that it looks a bit complex (?), I guess it'll take some time to finish it (will upload some gamestate if you want  :) ), just enough time for you to make another adaptation meanwhile  ;D : I'd like indeed a  Metal Master patch if possible (some videos are available on youtube : I think this game is pretty cool too  :)

If you're ok to make this game, I'd appreciate

About B.A.T 2: I gave up with this game for now, mainly because of the bad audio that Steem seems unable to handle with.. The sound of B.A.T 1 has been well included and I don't understand why it can't be the same for B.A.T 2 (both use the same audio system, no ?). Anyway this is not really fun to hear a low quality noise especially considering that's a big RPG...


Warhead is great game. but not easy - controls are unusual (but realistic), and some missions hard to solve. I finished it thanx to article in computer magazine. Probably hardest is to figure out how to defeat Berserker.

Metal Masters ? I think that it is on my list  :) But not so soon. I'm in audio phase at moment.

BAT 2 :  it may use MV16 (or something like) HW add-on for better sound. What was suplied with BAT 1, according to what I found on WEB.
I can not help with sound quality in Steem. As said, maybe to try with Hatari ?  Or real ST(E) ?


Warhead... is one of the most frustrating game ever.. I don't think it will suit everyone. For sure the game has its own style as well as a unique atmosphere BUT handling with the various ship's controls and the differents views is just a pain in the arse !! It took me xxxx tries just to figure out how to dock on Solbase  ::) After that, it's true that you're rewarded with a pleasing game (after so much effort, you have to  be in the game anyway). I don't even want to think about that Berserker at the moment but I've heard it was no way possible to kill him (have to put him in the black hole instead..)

Quote from: Petari on 06-04-2011, 14:13:34
Metal Masters ? I think that it is on my list  :) But not so soon. I'm in audio phase at moment.
Ah, I see  >:( - well no problem   ;D

BAT 2: i meant the sound of the first BAT was cracked back in the days, and the both of them are famous for the same audio system used.  yet for some reasons, the audio in BAT 2 hasn't been included like in the first BAT. Hence my disappointment.  Anyway..

I quickly tried Hatari but couldn't make a game working, but I don't know this emulator

I will wait until you're in a 'gaming phase' again  :)


Hatari is only emulator still under development (ocassionaly updates). Works best under Linix, but Win version is good too.
Not so hard to set up.  What is imprtant for BAT2 and other adapts from me is setting of hard disk emulatiom.
You can use same image files as in Steem. In hard disk menu need to enter ACSI section and select proper image file (from Steem DIR).
Then just check on 'boot from hard disk' and reset. Will have installed partitions and may play. And set sound on 50066 Hz samplerate.

If it would be only 'audio phase' ... I need to finish hard disk driver versions, GXUTIL for new driver type etc ...  Too much idea waiting to be concretised .  But Metal Masters will be done in days - easier case  :)


Quote from: Petari on 09-04-2011, 11:02:15
Hatari is only emulator still under development (ocassionaly updates). Works best under Linix, but Win version is good too.
Not so hard to set up.  What is imprtant for BAT2 and other adapts from me is setting of hard disk emulatiom.
You can use same image files as in Steem. In hard disk menu need to enter ACSI section and select proper image file (from Steem DIR).
Then just check on 'boot from hard disk' and reset. Will have installed partitions and may play. And set sound on 50066 Hz samplerate.
OK  :) I will try that - thx

But at the moment i'm very in Warhead  :). I think i'm starting only to really appreciate it now that i feel more familiarized with controls. However, i'm very anxious about the meeting with the Berseker..
Quote from: Petari on 06-04-2011, 14:13:34
Probably hardest is to figure out how to defeat Berserker.
Do you remember what was the trick against him Petari ?

Quote from: Petari on 09-04-2011, 11:02:15If it would be only 'audio phase' ... I need to finish hard disk driver versions, GXUTIL for new driver type etc ...  Too much idea waiting to be concretised .  But Metal Masters will be done in days - easier case  :)
Come on, i'm not in a rush with this one.. Please take care of your business first  ;)


 I think I found him



Completly got destroyed despite having sent him all my stingers + mines - though i think this is normal at this stage
If you have a tip, I take it  :)


OK, I defeated the beast

Your first meet with him is in mission 16 then mission 17. I found a hint & tip page somewhere that says that you have to make sure that ALL WEAPONS hit him in these missions otherwise you won't be able to stop him from attacking Earth (in mission 19). The first time, i didn't know and i always failed in that critical mission (because he got hit only a few times).. I then restart from mission 16, did make sure that all my weapons got through this time, and then after an unbelievable number of tries, i finally could stop him - It tooks me the all day but he finally escaped . Now i'm able to trap him in the black hole ..  8)


This part is quite unfair but the game itself is really great and had unique gameplay - I'm glad to have found it and to have take the time to understand how it works - but it wasn't easy

BTW sorry, i didn't want to focus the thread on this game - i'm off now and no longer need help :)


All 38 missions completed  :) - E X C E L L E N T game. Thanks for having patched this one..


Congratulations  :)

I played Warhed many years ago. All what remember is that Berserker must be trapped in Black Hole.
Will dig it out once and play - likely on Falcon for better framerate.


New game adapt: Metal Masters - on demand .
I added RAMdisk based Microprose F1GP adapt too, but it is not linked yet from DL page.
Should work on TT. But works on any ST(E), Mega ST(E), Falcon with min 4MB RAM.



i like the Metal Masters.. thanks ppera
My system: Atari STE 4MB, OS: SuperTOS 2.06, HD: US/disk 4gb SDcard ,ppera v0.98 HD drivers, USB mouse adapter by me, PSX controller joy adapter by me,  full list of adaption,s games by Petari.
Second Atari machine: 1040 STF
Other: 2X Lilliput Atari 130 XE


Quote from: Petari on 11-04-2011, 17:38:19
Will dig it out once and play - likely on Falcon for better framerate.
I agree here. I myself use accelerated CPU (14mhz is fine i think) - the game is not as smooth as you could think at first (for a 3d game)

Quote from: Petari on 11-04-2011, 17:38:19
All what remember is that Berserker must be trapped in Black Hole.
If you meet the Berseker, send him a 'Hello' from me   ;D My fight against him was just epic !! This character is a very good idea i think and add a lot to the game . It's only after I met him that I really got into it. I think he's very 'eccentric', (pretty normal for a star though, ;D). What follows after is quite good too (even if there are some boring missions). Overall this game is a real gem i think, there really is some tension in it. Only very few games gave me that feeling. Despite some good reviews, i found the end pretty disappointing though (and quite short with that)  :(

btw if you need any help, ask me  :) (for a gamestate too)

Quote from: Petari on 13-04-2011, 15:02:19
New game adapt: Metal Masters - on demand .
Thank you very much Petari  :)


Robocop series in adaption page! (Robocop Robocop-II,Robocop-III)
My system: Atari STE 4MB, OS: SuperTOS 2.06, HD: US/disk 4gb SDcard ,ppera v0.98 HD drivers, USB mouse adapter by me, PSX controller joy adapter by me,  full list of adaption,s games by Petari.
Second Atari machine: 1040 STF
Other: 2X Lilliput Atari 130 XE


Yee.. new adaptions 
Stunt Car Racer    
Carrier Command
My system: Atari STE 4MB, OS: SuperTOS 2.06, HD: US/disk 4gb SDcard ,ppera v0.98 HD drivers, USB mouse adapter by me, PSX controller joy adapter by me,  full list of adaption,s games by Petari.
Second Atari machine: 1040 STF
Other: 2X Lilliput Atari 130 XE