8BitChip Forum

Atari => News => Topic started by: Ronald J. Hall on 31-08-2024, 21:27:21

Title: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 31-08-2024, 21:27:21
Hey Peter! Have you seen this? Looks interesting...

"Atari ST version was built by Marko / Atarimania by copying the PC version files and AGI Quest I ST launcher together. Please note that there are a few bugs. For example if you move the mouse, the text parser stops working. So be careful. Hopefully someone with programming skills could make it more stable in the future. The disk is also in HD format, so that's another matter to solve if you want to play it on pre-Mega STe hardware."

Looks like something that some highly talented individual could take a look at and maybe smooth out the rough parts? <nudge, nudge> <wink,wink>.    ;)

Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Petari on 01-09-2024, 13:32:40
 Yes. Marakatti sent me e-mail about it.
I made hard disk adapt with TOS 1.04 in RAM . Min RAM for it is 1 MB. Can test under emulators too.
Kings Quest VI test v.  (https://atari.8bitchip.info/KINGSQVI.ZIP)
Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 01-09-2024, 22:04:56
Quote from: Petari on 01-09-2024, 13:32:40Yes. Marakatti sent me e-mail about it.
I made hard disk adapt with TOS 1.04 in RAM . Min RAM for it is 1 MB. Can test under emulators too.
Kings Quest VI test v.  (https://atari.8bitchip.info/KINGSQVI.ZIP)

Wow, that was fast! I'll check it out later today on my systems.

Thanks much!  :)
Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 02-09-2024, 07:35:22
Okay, I played around with this on my Mega STe. I booted up clean, no ACC's or AUTO folder programs.

It launched and ran fine. I do miss the MIDI support in the actual Sierra titles for the ST but considering this is ported over from a non-Atari ST version, it's not surprising that the MIDI support isn't there.

One thing though, which really isn't an issue at all, as far as I'm concerned is, that when I exited the game through the games interface (typing in quit at the prompt, then it asks) it didn't quit cleanly to the desktop but gave 4 bombs.

Like I said, not a big deal though as everything else I tried with it worked fine.

Thanks much for adapting it!  :)
Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Petari on 03-09-2024, 09:12:09
Great to hear that it worked reliable.
Exit via game's quit function works not and crashes because I made it to work from AUTO folder of virtual floppy in this HAG2 version. Game can not exit to Desktop as it is not initialized .
And even if this would be with not AUTO folder run but normal start from Desktop quit from game would quit only to Desktop of TOS 1.04 in RAM, not to Desktop from which all it was started. Just use usual exit to Desktop (start Desktop) by pressing * on Numpad .

Why AUTO folder run:  during tracing program code I noticed that it does not perform any TOS AES (GEM) function calls, so no need for whole TOS in RAM, just GEMDOS part of it - when AUTO folder program is started. This has advantage that more RAM is available for game - about 32 KB when using TOS 1.04, what is some 10% when it works with 512 KB RAM set for game. And of course less space is used for TOS in RAM too in upper half MB .

Btw. game does not work from some folder on hard disk/SD card, only from drive A: (real or virtual) .
Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 03-09-2024, 18:04:11
Okay, thanks for the explanation and later today I'll try exiting with the * key instead of from inside the game.

"Btw. game does not work from some folder on hard disk/SD card, only from drive A: (real or virtual)."

Er...it worked fine here from the G: partition on my 4 gig SD-card in my Mega STe...

Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Petari on 03-09-2024, 20:16:35
I meant that putting all game files in some folder on hard disk will not work.
Stays not for my HAG2 adaptation, of course - what uses Virtual Floppy A: for game run .
Title: Re: New AGI version of Kings Quest VI, adapted for the ST
Post by: Ronald J. Hall on 04-09-2024, 07:11:26
Quote from: Petari on 03-09-2024, 20:16:35I meant that putting all game files in some folder on hard disk will not work.
Stays not for my HAG2 adaptation, of course - what uses Virtual Floppy A: for game run .

Oh, my bad - I misunderstood what you were saying.

BTW, I went back and using " * " does exit the game cleanly and returns to the desktop.

Thanks much.  :)