Corrupted directories and files after unzipping

Started by Opooly, 27-05-2014, 13:26:43

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Hi everyone,

I have a problem after unzipping a file on my E: drive.

Here is my configuration :
Atari Mega STE TOS 2.05FR
SatanDisk with HDDRIVER 7.80
3 Partitions :
C: 16384Kb
D: 419839Kb
E: 524287Kb

C is my boot partition
D is mainly for utilities (Zip, Cubase, Trackers, ...)
E is for Hdd Games by Petari

I have already succeeded to install 218 Games on E: in a "HDDGAMES" folder which
now contains 4078 files and 342 directories.

I use Drive Image 1.32 for transfering files to my SD Card, and I usually transfert
new games in a zip file, because I can't copy subdirs with Drive Image.
Then I unzip the file with STZip 1.6 on the Mega STE.

So, I'm trying to unzip a new file with 600 files and 58 folders (36 Games).
After unzipping, the new directories and files are corrects and I can play the new
games, but when I go to my previous folder "HDDGAMES", all files have strange names
and can't be used anymore.

I know there is a limitation for subdirectories levels, but is there a limitation to
the number of directories or files, or am I missing something ?

Can you please help me to find a solution ?



Have same problems before, using the HDDRIVER X.XX (many versions), corrupt files, and at finish lost partitions..
Try pera HDdrivers,is very stable ,and try move unzipped Dir,s from C, to others disks, i using "KK Commander " for transfer.
My system: Atari STE 4MB, OS: SuperTOS 2.06, HD: US/disk 4gb SDcard ,ppera v0.98 HD drivers, USB mouse adapter by me, PSX controller joy adapter by me,  full list of adaption,s games by Petari.
Second Atari machine: 1040 STF
Other: 2X Lilliput Atari 130 XE


 In case of TOS and FAT16 partitions there is limit of about max. 32600 files and directories on 1 partition. And in real usage it is not possible to reach that limit, because partition will be full much before that, since there is minimal space what even shortest file takes on disk, and it is 16KB in case of 257-512MB partitions.

For regular usage, gaming and some simpler tasks you don't need folder100. Cache is for faster work only. I did not have problems with Hddriver 7.80, so problem may be unreliable work of HW. Usual culprits are SD card and power supply. There are low quality cards on market, and if PS is weak it results in unreliable writing in first place. So, best would be to try with other, good brand SD card and other PS.

I don't know how STZIP deals with long file names, but there are no such ones in Petari ZIP files with ST games.

In any case, it would be better to go on TOS/DOS compatible partitioning, what would make installing SW simpler and much faster , especially with slow Satandisk - then can unzip everything with Total Commander on PC.

I know about Drive Image limitations, but adding complete recursive directory with content copy and some other things is pretty complicated, and I really can't find time to deal with it. Especially when TOS/DOS compatible partitioning solves almost everything, and makes file transfers simple and fast.